Welcome to TRM

TRM (HK) LIMITED is the leader in work injury management in Hong Kong. It has developed a comprehensive system which cover the full spectrum, including claims management, injury management, case management (investigation and settlement negotiation). We have experienced staff to manage each case and sophisticated computer system to keep track of case development. We have extensive networks in various fields to enhance our services. The most important of all, we have our hearts in each case. We have constantly find ways to improve our services. We have invested heavily in human resources and information system so as to provide efficient services and quality work injury management system. Our main aim is provide a holistic approach to manage the injured worker and ensure that they can return to work safely. Our job is not just to provide medical treatment; we also provide counseling to the work and resolve any psychosocial problem. At the end, we will try our best to assist the injured worker returning to work. It is our aim to create a win-win situation to insurer, employer and injured workers.

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